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FLY Methodology

Course Content

1) Targeted Non-Cognitive Skills
The FLY programs are designed to inculcate the 5 specific non-cognitive skills that research shows have the largest impact on competitiveness - Conscientiousness, Taking Initiative, Innovativeness, Perseverance and Problem Solving.


2) 'Full Loop' Content
Course content is designed to teach not just How to do something, but What to do (e.g. what risks to consider), Why and When to do it.


3) Action-Focused
Participants learn how to translate understanding into action (effectiveness). Over 84% of participants say they will put into practice the techniques they learned.


4) Participatory Design, Real-World Focus
The course focuses on Practice and Internalization - for rapid and long-lasting results and behaviour improvements.


1) Active Learning Pedagogy

We use instructional strategies that promote active learning. Participants engage with the material by doing. They analyze, create, reflect, and collaborate with each other throughout each session.

2) Inquiry-Based Learning

Instead of just presenting the facts, instructors use questions, problems and scenarios to help students learn through their own agency and investigation.

3) Learner-Centered Environment

We create a participant-centred learning environment that is cooperative, collaborative, and community-oriented. This makes participants self-confident, self-directed, and proactive.


Our Proprietary L.I.F.E. Framework

The LIFE framework helps cement the learnings from the training and helps participants reflexively put learned skills into practice at work and in life.



Intensive online or in-person sessions covering the 5 Pillars of the Competitiveness Mindset. All learning is instructor-led, highly participatory, immersive and action-oriented.



Reflections about, and analysis of, key concepts in each individual pillar facilitate self-examination and deeper understanding of each of The Five Pillars.



Participants acquire skills by practicing LPT (Learn, Practice, Teach) techniques - one of the most effective and proven ways of developing non-cognitive skills.

College Students


Application to real life. By observing, analyzing, understanding and eventually applying concepts and techniques of the pillars in the real world, participants are able to apply their learning to real-life situations.

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