Finding the Leader in You - Professional
A skill enhancement training for working professionals that improves the competitiveness of both the individual and the organisation.
Independent observers reported an improvement of 26% in non-cognitive skills exhibited by individuals who took FLY-Professional training, in a longitudinal study. Learn more...
What Participants Gain
Inculcate the 5 critical competitiveness skills necessary to become more effective in everything you do, and to lead at all levels of the organization:
Taking Initiative
Problem Solving
Amplify the hard skills employees already possess to maximize their effectiveness.
Develop a foundation for ethical leadership and professionalism within each individual and the team unit.
Build a competitive mindset based on the skills above that promotes best practices leading to consistently better performance.
Refine communication skills, overcome cultural traits and develop work habits to improve productivity in multiple ways.
Program Overview
FLY-Professional is a real-time, instructor-led, participatory program (approximately 32 hours of engagement) designed for working professionals, available both in-person and on-line, consisting of:
13 in-class sessions of 2 hours each
Specially designed individual and team exercises and projects to put into practice the skills learned in the in-class sessions.
Estimated total duration of in-class and off-class work: approx. 34-36 hours
Individual and group activities
Course handbook
Lifetime access to the FLY alumni community
Certificate of completion from CMI, USA
Dedicated programs are available for your organization. Request Callback to learn more.
Open Classes are regularly scheduled for individuals who wish to improve their competitiveness and leadership skills.
Who can benefit from FLY-Professional?
Corporate organizations, non-profits, government and educational institutions that:
Are looking to build teams that can compete better in global or local markets.
Aim to develop a foundation for ethical leadership among employees.
Develop more productive work habits in their employees and their team units.
Want to improve the overall effectiveness of individual employees and teams - through use of their non-cognitive abilities.
Desire to promote a higher level of conscientiousness among their teams, leading to higher productivity.
Dedicated Classes
for Organizations and Institutions
Restricted to your employees and nominees.
Sessions are scheduled flexibly, during regular work hours, evenings, weekends or any combination.
In-person at your premises (regulations permitting) or online.
Freer class discussions that can be more topical to your issues.
Capstone team projects could be customized for relevance.
Customized pricing.
Open Classes
for Individuals
Open to anyone with at least 1 year of working experience.
Regularly scheduled classes held typically evenings and/or weekends or a combination.
Held on-line - attend from the comfort of your own home or office.
Certified instructor-led and fully participatory.
Opportunity to interact with people of varied backgrounds and experience.
Cost and Value
Research shows that improvements in certain specific, non-cognitive skills significantly improve professional effectiveness, competitiveness and leadership ability - an efficient and effective way to improve productivity.
Even small improvements in employee productivity can result in large financial gains - both, potential increases in revenue, and in individual and team productivity - for organizations.
These returns from the FLY-Professional training - which will accrue year after year - dwarf the one-time investment the program requires.

Improvements in non-cognitive skills significantly improve effectiveness, competitiveness and leadership abilities of your employees.
Please contact us to request a customized time and cost schedule for your organization.
Significantly reduced pricing is available for qualifying not-for-profit and charitable organizations.
The 5 Critical Skills
The entire training is divided into sessions. Each session is 4 hours long and divided into two parts. We focus on creating learner-centered learning environments which make participants self-confident, self-directed, and proactive.
What it is & how to develop it. Addressing open-ended issues in group settings through socratic seminars.
Understanding Innovativeness in creating products, services and processes. Learning how to develop an innovative mindset.
Understanding reasons why we fail to persevere. Learning how to develop perseverance.
Taking Initiative
Identify the habits of mind essential for taking initiative. Developing tools/habits to help take initiative.
Problem Solving
Identifying the real problem, i.e. the root cause, not the symptom. Developing abilities to find a practical and doable solution.
How is the FLY-Professional program structured?The FLY-Professional program is offered both on-line (via Zoom) and in-person (regulations permitting). Both styles are structured as follows: - Thirteen (13) 2-hour sessions, generally held in accordance with a mutually developed schedule for each class, e.g. 1 pm to 3 pm every weekday, or 11 am to 1 pm alternate weekdays, etc. - Off-class assignments, exercises and team projects are assigned during and after these sessions. Post-session projects are generally to be completed within 2-3 weeks of assignment.
What is the time commitment asked of me for the program?FLY programs are designed to minimize interference with your work schedules and loads. Other than attendance of the in-class sessions, we estimate the program requires approximately 10 hours of additional time for assignments and projects. These 10 hours are generally spread over several weeks. The time you take may vary depending on various factors, including the nature of the projects you undertake.
How/When are the FLY classes scheduled?FLY-Professional programs are 'Dedicated' programs scheduled exclusively for your organization. Class schedules are mutually determined by you and CMI - based on your convenience, availability of your participants, CMI facilitator schedules, etc. For example, classes (which are 2 hours each) can be scheduled late mornings every alternate weekday, or two classes can be held back-to-back weekend mornings, etc.
What kind of employees is the training designed for?FLY-Professional training is broadly designed for any employees who work with others (both inside the organization (e.g. with team members) as well as outside (e.g. with prospects, customer teams, vendors, etc.). Employees from any organizational department - e.g. manufacturing, sales and marketing, engineering, administration - can benefit. Because the program is designed promote the practice of the non-cognitive skills it teaches, employees from entry level up to middle management would directly benefit from the program.
There are a lot of training programs available. How is FLY different?FLY training is the only program available that offers the set of specific non-cognitive kills that it offers - specifically, Conscientiousness, Taking Initiative, Innovativeness, Perseverance and Problem Solving. These specific skills are identified by research to be the most important for competitiveness and also most lacking in the average professional. Targeted non-cognitive skills training is also realtively 'low-hanging fruit' for increasing competitiveness, effectiveness and productivity of employees - because it amplifies the hard skills your employees may already possess, and enables teams to strongly improve their effectiveness. FLY training has been developed by CMI, a non-profit dedicated to improving the competitiveness of professionals. Content is based on substantial research and is designed to promote changes in professional practices to improve competitiveness.
If you are a non-profit organisation, why do you charge for your programs?"Even though we are a not-for-profit, we charge for our training programs in order to cover our costs to deliver our courses, pay our staff, maintain organizational and administrative infrastructure, develop and update course material, provide customer support, etc. We also use the fees (along with donations we receive) we charge to those who can afford them to subsidize our youth programs (FLY-Scholar and FLY-Junior) for those who can not (see CMI Scholarships).
I have more questions. How do I connect with a live person?Please use the Contact Us link at the bottom of this page to send us your questions. We will respond promptly by phone, email or text per your request.

Write to us at: hello@competitivenessmindset.org
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